Exploring the Latest in Robotics Technology: A Review of Recent Innovations 2024

1/ Humanoid Robots in the Factory

Humanoid robots are making strides towards integration in industry and healthcare. Recent developments by companies like Amazon and BMW involve testing humanoid robots within workplace settings. These robots aim to handle repetitive or unsafe tasks, enhance efficiency, and work alongside humans. Challenges include achieving safety and reliability levels.

We selected 5 humanoid robots currently taking steps forward.

Humanoid Robots: Striding Towards Working in Industry and Healthcare

The notion of letting humanoid robots take the strain by stepping into jobs previously held by humans is nothing new but it seems we are now steps closer to making this a reality. DirectIndustry looks at 5 humanoid robots currently taking steps forward.

In recent months, both Amazon and BMW have announced they are testing humanoid robots within workplace settings with the ultimate aim of integrating them into their processes. The idea is for the robots to take on repetitive or unsafe tasks, as well as to enhance efficiency, in situations where the human mind and skills may not be necessary.

A Sudden Excitement

Dr. Lorenzo Jamone, Senior Lecturer in Robotics at Queen Mary University of London, has watched the developments with interest and is hopeful that we may one day see humanoid robots within a range of fields. 

“Until recently humanoid robots have not been considered to be precise or effective enough to work in industry. But there has been a steady improvement in the technologies of robotics in general and in terms of investment. There is currently a lot of hype – not necessarily in a negative way – about the advancements in AI and we are now seeing bigger companies, like Tesla, going into the market of humanoids. Suddenly there is now more excitement and it seems that more and more things are possible – and that pushes everything along.”

He explains that humanoid robots appeal to people because their human-like shape allows for integration into workplaces designed for humans.

“If they are accurate and precise enough then clearly they will bring huge benefits because they can automate a situation without having to change the environment much.”

2/ New Mobile Robots on the Market

Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are revolutionizing various industries by offering flexible and intelligent solutions. Unlike automated guided vehicles (AGVs), which follow specific guided paths, AMRs use data from cameras, laser scanners, and other sensors to navigate freely in work environments while avoiding obstacles. They can operate alongside human workers, enhancing efficiency.

The AMR market is booming, with significant growth projected. New offers are arriving on the market.

Global Industrie Paris 2024: Our Selection of New AMRs

DirectIndustry attended the Global Industrie exhibition in Paris this week and found 6 new autonomous mobile robots or AMRs (Credit: C. Jeannel / H. Dhouibi)

3/ A New Cobot Manufacturer

French company MS-Innov is making its entry into the manufacturing sector with its modular cobots. What sets MS-Innov’s cobots apart are two key features:

  1. Modularity: The MS-Innov cobots come in 4-axis, 5-axis, and 6-axis configurations, available in two sizes (M and S) and three module types (M1, M2, and M3). This scalability and customization allow them to meet varying payload requirements and reach. The cobots can be assembled manually within minutes using an intuitive nut-and-bolt system. The focus is on flexibility, ensuring that once purchased, the cobot can be reconfigured for different application scenarios, avoiding idle equipment in companies.
  2. Infinite Rotation: Unlike traditional systems, MS-Innov’s cobots can rotate infinitely. They utilize pins to transmit both information and power, streamlining production processes by eliminating the need for repositioning.

MS-Innov: The Newcomer in French Cobotics

With its modular cobots, French start-up MS-Innov is making its entry into the manufacturing sector. (Credit: MS-Innov)

4/ Industrial Exoskeletons Are Helping in the Workplace

Industrial exoskeletons are stepping off the silver screen and into the workplace. Unlike their cinematic counterparts, real-world exoskeletons prioritize worker safety over sheer strength.

Around 93,000 exoskeletons were used in workplaces globally in 2022, with that number expected to increase sevenfold by 2030. These wearable devices assist workers in specific tasks, aiming to reduce injuries and fatigue.

How Industrial Exoskeletons Help With Heavy Lifting in the Workplace

Industrial exoskeletons are stepping off the silver screen and into the workplace. But unlike in the movies, most real-world exoskeletons focus on making workers safer rather than simply stronger. (Credit: German Bionic)



About sooteris kyritsis

Job title: (f)PHELLOW OF SOPHIA Profession: RESEARCHER Company: ANTHROOPISMOS Favorite quote: "ITS TIME FOR KOSMOPOLITANS(=HELLINES) TO FLY IN SPACE." Interested in: Activity Partners, Friends Fashion: Classic Humor: Friendly Places lived: EN THE HIGHLANDS OF KOSMOS THROUGH THE DARKNESS OF AMENTHE
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